
Say Hello.

Say Hello.

Say Hello to a stranger.
Say Hello to a friend.
Say Hello to the morning sun.
Say Hello to the person at the check-out counter at Walgreens. And mean it.
Say Hello to the person you pass by every day walking to class, or work. Trust me, they've noticed you too.

Say Hello to yourself as look in the mirror. Then say it again like you're talking to the you that you know. Forget the you that anyone else knows, or thinks you should be... let it just be you, and you.

All too often we let the images others have of us get into our head and influence us in negative ways. We put too much emphasis on what other people will think... what they will say... what they will do [tease us]..... and it's time to forget all of that.

Once more, say Hello to the real you.

Only you and your Creator know the real you. He might know you even better than you, in fact. It's hard to completely ignore others' perceptions of us.. it's a natural thing in our society to wonder what others think of ourselves.

It's time to be true to yourself and the real you, and do what real you wants to do! If you want to wear a goofy outfit that fits your own personal style, or sing out loud to your favorite tune, or dance around in your living room, do it!! Forget all the negative things you may have heard or have been told! Don't think about the things people have told you that you can't do... think about all of the amazing things that you CAN do!

You've been divinely made in your own perfect way, so live your life to the fullest by being true to yourself and your passions and talents... they are inside you for a reason! Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough... not pretty enough... not strong enough... not smart enough... no no and NO! You tell them that they don't dream BIG ENOUGH!!!!

When you feel those little tugs on your heart... the things that make your heart flutter and smile just thinking of them... those are your life dreams stirring inside you, wanting to come out!! Let them out!!! Live it out! What a waste it is to not shine your unique and beautiful light upon this world, don't let your piece of the puzzle sit in darkness! We're all here with a special purpose, so don't be afraid of what you can accomplish. For those of you who believe in God, you know that with Him, anything is possible. And your passions were given to you with a special purpose (that He wants you to fulfill!). So LIVE IT OUT! He's got your back :).

So.. say Hello. To the real you. To the you that can accomplish anything you set your mind to. And say goodbye to the fake ideals others may be putting on you. You know the real you!

Say Hello to a stranger, to the person you pass by every day... they could someday become your friend. And your friend could someday be the check-out person at Walgreens... and you'd want someone to say hello to them too, wouldn't you?