
Live it, Love it, Dream it!!

Hi Everyone! This is my first blog ever and I am so excited to share my make-up story with you!

I was the young age of four when I first discovered my love for make-up. My mom put lipstick on me for the first time, and I actually refused to talk because I didn't want the lipstick to come off! Haha, what can I say it was love at first sight :).

When I was younger and someone would ask me what I wanted to be when I "grew up," I would say "Being a make-up artist is my 'dream' job, but for real I am going to be a [fill in the blank]..." Well today I am so happy to say that I am pursuing my dream job, and being a make-up artist IS a real job! Any job that your heart desires and dreams about is real, and it will become what you make of it. Do not let anyone ever tell you that you cannot do something, whether it be make-up or anything else, just because they believe it's impossible. I say to dream it and believe it and live it!!! You can be anything you want to be because that dream and passion is in your precious heart for a reason-- the big man upstairs put it there! We all have our special place in this world, and He is the one who believes in you and has the master plan all figured out, so trust in Him and that is all that matters!

And I have to give huge credit to Kandee Johnson, a beautifully talented make-up artist, for being such an inspiration to me and playing a large part in giving me the confidence to pursue my dream job! Several months ago I came across one of her make-up tutorials on YouTube and have been following her ever since. Two weeks ago I attended her Glaminar in San Diego and actually got to meet her, it was amazing!!! And soo fun! Kandee is so sweet and caring and TALENTED!! I learned so much from her and it was the perfect way to jump-start my career :). Thank you so much Kandee!!! <3

Huge love to all of you dreamers out there! Live it, love it, dream it, and BELIEVE it!

Love and hugs,

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